Homeschooling Through the Seasons

No matter what type of homeschooler you are, it can be really helpful to adapt your homeschooling to the seasons. Every season has strengths, weaknesses and unique opportunities that you can take advantage of with a little bit of flexibility. This will also keep things fresh for you and the kids! How do you adapt […]

Five Lessons To Take From Waldorf In Your Homeschool

I talked recently about lessons you can take from Montessori to enrich your homeschool.  Waldorf schools are another great source of ideas.  Here are five Waldorf principles that appeal to many homeschoolers. 1.  Young children don’t need academics.  Waldorf schools don’t start any sort of formal teaching (including teaching reading) until age 7, much like […]

Kids Can Win Scholarships Through the Science without Borders Annual Art Contest

Here’s a way for kids to be creative, spread awareness to protect our oceans and coral reefs, and possibly earn scholarship money through their art right now. The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation’s Science without Borders® Challenge is an annual art contest open to kids 11-19 years old, with scholarships of up to $500 […]

Review: Wild Life

Review: Wild Life tells of being homeschooled in the African wilderness and dealing with mean girls in American schools

The newly released Wild Life: Dispatches from a Childhood of Baboons and Button-Downs tells the fascinating story of Keena Roberts’ life growing up partly in her parents’ research station in the middle of an African reserve and then part time in an affluent American suburb. The publisher, Grand Central Publishing, describes the memoir: Keena Roberts […]

Free Printable Weather Tree for April

Free Printable Weather Tree for April

Here’s a fun way for kids to track the weather and sneak in some math!  Have them color a weather tree this month, with each color representing a different kind of weather. I make up a weather tree for each issue of Wild Kids Magazine, a free monthly nature magazine for kids and their grown […]

February weather tree

Free Printable Weather Tree for February

Weather trees are great ways to incorporate art, nature studies, science and even math into a fun daily project.  Here’s a free printable weather tree for February to help your kids track the month’s weather. Kids can assign a different color to each weather type, then color one leaf each day to show that day’s […]

Free Printable Bird Guide

Here’s a wonderful freebie for your nature studies.  The Cornell Institute of Ornithology offers its 12 page BirdSleuth Explorer’s Guidebook absolutely free to download and print. The full color booklet includes lots of great stuff for identifying birds, including some fun activities and worksheets to fill out. Pages include: Wake up your ears What’s a […]

FREE printable botany plant ID cards

FREE Printable Botany Plant Quiz Cards!

Here’s a great freebie for nature studies and botany lessons.   Go Botany, a fantastic web site that has all kinds of plant identification tools, offers these printable cards.  They say: Practice your identification skills with these handy plant quiz cards! Even when you cannot get outside or sample live plant specimens, you and your […]

What's That Feather? Great Tools and Books to ID Unknown Feathers

What’s That Feather? Great Tools and Books to ID Unknown Feathers

We checked out a fabulous book from the library yesterday and it got our youngest daughter, Fiona, excited about finding and identifying feathers. Plume, written and illustrated by Isabelle Simler, was New York Times selection for Best Illustrated Children’s Books of 2017 and you’ll be able to see why.  I just find it enchanting and simple, […]

A Year of Forest School

Review: A Year of Forest School

Forest schools and other outdoor learning environments are becoming increasingly popular, not just in the United Kingdom but in the U.S. and around the world. A Year of Forest School: Outdoor Play and Skill-building Fun for Every Season, by Jane Worrell and Peter Houghton, gives parents and teachers ideas for nearly 40 seasonal activities suitable […]

March Nature Studies

March Nature Studies: 10 Wonderful Ways to Learn with Nature in March

Looking for some fun ways to work nature studies into your homeschooling this month?  Here are all kinds of wonderful ways to use nature to work science, math, writing, art and more into your learning. Whether you live out in the country or are stuck inside an apartment this month, there are still ideas to […]

Weather trees to maple syrup candy: Science and nature fun for January

Weather trees to maple syrup candy: Science and nature fun for January

It may be snowy and cold, but there are still lots of opportunities for science and nature studies this month. Here are five great ways to do some science and nature studies with your kids in January. Start a weather tree. Kids can use weather trees to track the weather for the year, either simply […]

Should you homeschool through the summer?

Should you homeschool through the summer?

One of the great things about homeschooling is that you can do it in the ways that fit your family’s needs. You can choose how to homeschool, what to use and when to do it. That said, what’s the best way to approach the summer months? There are many good reasons to continue homeschooling through […]

Print out a FREE weather station for the kids!

Print out a FREE weather station for the kids!

Here’s a wonderful way to teach your little ones about weather. Mr. Printables has created a delightful printable weather station that is available for download absolutely free! Mr. Printables says: What’s the weather like where you are? Create your very own neat printable weather station to hang on your wall and report today’s weather like […]

Free bird sighting log sheets!

Free bird sighting log sheets!

Here’s a sweet freebie to help with your child’s nature studies. Hobby Farms offers these printable bird sighting sheets to print out. They say: Use this bird-sighting chart to document what birds are nesting around your home and when you see them. When your chart is full of feathered creatures, print yourself another page! The […]

Shrunken heads to Wild Watching: Science and nature fun for October

It’s a brand new month, and one that’s brimming with opportunities for science and nature activities. Here’s five fabulous ways to take advantage of the season this month. Take part in the Handbook of Nature Study’s Signs of Autumn Art/Nature Journal Study. Look for signs of autumn like dry grass or weeds, birds overhead or […]

Seed pod birdfeeders to weather wagers: Science and nature ideas for November

Seed pod birdfeeders to weather wagers: Science and nature ideas for November

It’s a brand new month, and there are lots of new opportunities for science and nature study with the kids. Here are five fun ways to incorporate these subjects in your homeschooling this month. Make seed pod and pine cone bird feeders. We’ve all seen the pine cone and peanut butter type of bird feeder […]

Renowned nature photographer launches wonderful new 365-day video project

Nature 365 offers wonderful one-minute nature videos daily

World renowned photographer Jim Brandenburg has created a video project that gives kids the opportunity to watch breathtaking one-minute glimpses of nature every day this year. The web-based documentary series, Nature 365, features a new, a one-minute clip of seasonal nature footage for every day of the year. The footage is compiled from videos that […]

Ant Science! STEM Activities Using Ants for Educational Summer Fun

The ants are out for the summer and making pests of themselves around some homes.  Why not take advantage of their presence to do some fun educational projects outside?  From ant mazes to taste tests (for the ants, not the kids!), there are all kinds of fun STEM projects you can design to use some […]

Naturally raising monarch butterflies in your homeschool

Naturally raising monarch butterflies in your homeschool

Raising monarch butterflies from caterpillar eggs has been one of the most magical ways that we’ve done nature studies in our homeschool for many summers. Some families order butterfly kits through the mail, but we’ve filled our yard with lots of plants that butterflies need at various parts of their life cycles so that they’ll […]

EarthCache provides fantastic science adventures for nature sites all over

EarthCache provides fantastic science adventures for nature sites all over

Looking for a fun way to teach earth sciences, navigation, map skills and more? EarthCache combines all of these with field trips in your area (and around the world) to create educational adventures for the whole family. EarthCache was created by the Geological Society of America. They explain: How is an EarthCache different from a […]

Wonderful Charlotte Mason style geography books available free online

Wonderful Charlotte Mason Style Geography Books Free Online

Here’s a wonderful way to explore geography with elementary aged children and work in a bit of history, too. Charlotte Mason’s Elementary Geography and Long’s Home Geography for Primary Grades are both available for free through public domain. Not only that, but they’re available in a variety of formats, including online and as Kindle books. […]

Summer science fun

Summer science fun

Summer is in full swing and it’s the perfect time to start up a little outdoor summer science. Don’t worry, this kind of science fun doesn’t require much on your part at all! Here’s all you need to get your kiddos experimenting, making concoctions and learning along the way. Test hypotheses.  You hear all sorts […]

101 things to do this summer

Have you made your summer bucket list yet?  If you need a little inspiration, here’s our list from 2010 of 101 fun, educational, sentimental and silly things to do over the summer. Catch fireflies Take part in the library reading program Dance in the rain Master the multiplication tables Read the Little House series together […]