There are so many fun ways to use art to play with math. Here are some of our family’s favorites for all ages. Make Factor Flowers This is such a fun way to work with multiplication, factors and primes. Factor flowers are just a variation on making factor trees. Write a number and draw a […]
Category: Crafts
Math Games Lab for Kids: a Great Book for Hands on Fun
Who needs to stick to a boring old math curriculum? There are some really great books for hands-on math fun. Math Games Lab for Kids: 24 Fun, Hands-On Activities for Learning with Shapes, Puzzles, and Games by Rebecca Rapoport is definitely a fun one to check out with your kiddos. I read an advanced reader […]
Of Course Those Little Girls Who Survived in the Wilderness Were Homeschooled
Awesome Bullet Journals on eBay for Under $5 (with free shipping!)
Bullet journals can be fantastic tools for kids and adults alike for everything from tracking days they’ve done math to planning next year’s curriculum choices to keeping track of the year’s read-aloud books. We’ve been using bullet journals in our homeschool for a couple of years now and the kids and I all love them. […]
The Purple Cabbage pH Experiment
Purple cabbage, like elderberry juice, is a natural pH indicator. That means that it changes colors depending when you add substances to it of varying pH levels. More acidic substances, like vinegar and lemon juice, turn it more pink. More basic substances, like dish detergent, turn it more blue. We came up with this experiment […]
Facts, activity pages and more to celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr.
In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, here’s an assortment of lesson plans, pages, songs, interesting info and more to use in your homeschool. abc Teach has a printable PDF bio with a multiple choice Q&A at the end. The Crafty Crow has MLK Day crafts and KidsSoup has some great crafts and activities. […]
What is lapbooking and why is it so great for homeschooling?
Have you tried lapbooking in your homeschool yet? This delightful, hands-on activity is a wonderful way to combine crafts with science, history, literature, handwriting, math and more. Lapbooks use file folders as the basis for homemade project books that are laid out in a creative manner and fit in a child’s lap. You can think […]
50 fun household materials to use for poetry, spelling and more
Looking for some fun ways to play with spelling, poetry and writing in your homeschool? Make some language arts manipulatives! You can find wonderful materials all around the house, absolutely free, and pick up others at dollar stores or thrift stores for next to nothing. Here are some of our favorites. (Instructions follow for those […]
Oodles of fun (free) ways to learn about atoms!
Looking for some fun ways to bring your studies about atoms to life? Luckily, the internet is full of wonderful, hands-on ways for kids to learn about atoms. Here are all sorts of fantastic, hands-on ways to teach kids about atoms. ~ Sing “The Atoms Family” (Click here to see one family singing it together […]
Flag Day fun and facts
Lapbooking do’s and don’ts
Make an inertia ball!
DIY Dry Watercolor Paints and Liquid Watercolors
Here’s a fun project to do with the kids — make your own watercolor paints! We’ve used this DIY watercolor recipe for years around here to make our own wet or dry watercolor paints. Here’s a painting that our daughter Rhiannon made with a set of watercolor paints that she made many years ago. Not […]
Designing your own lapbooks
We design our own lapbooks about 90% of the time. While it can take more time in terms of research and planning, there are many advantages. The kids learn more doing the research themselves, they feel a greater sense of ownership, it allows for more creativity, it can be tailored to the child’s age and […]
Little House homeschooling – Oodles of free lesson plans, printables & more
Are your kids Little House on the Prairie fans? There are all sorts of wonderful resources on the internet to help use the famous book series by Laura Ingalls Wilder in your homeschool. Here’s a round-up of some great sites. ~ Laura’s Prairie House has lots of hands-on activities, printables and recipes, plus much more. […]
Learn and craft about fireflies!
Fireflies offer the perfect blend of science, nature, fun and magic. This is the perfect time of year to study them, too, and do some firefly crafts with the kids. Here are all sorts of ways to study these fascinating little insects and have some fun. is the perfect spot to start your firefly […]