5 Fun Ways to Enjoy Nature Studies in June

5 Fun Ways to Enjoy Nature Studies in June

June is such a beautiful month that it’s nearly immoral to spend too much of it inside!  Here are some fun ways to take the learning outside this month and have a great time doing it. Grow some gladiolas.  Glads are wonderful flowers for children.  They’re easy to grow, colorful, inexpensive, and don’t take much […]

Boredom Busters: 10 fun challenges in writing, math and more

Looking for a creative way to jump start homeschooling or to just combat cabin fever?  Here are ten challenges to offer the kids. Writing: Write a short story about a superhero whose superpowers lead to accidental, funny consequences. Write one page about the best or worst day you ever had. Do free writing for 3 […]

Free 290-page bird book offered online

Free 290-page bird book offered online

Here’s a wonderful public domain book to add to your homeschool. Bird neighbors: An introductory acquaintance with one hundred and fifty birds commonly found in the gardens, meadows, and woods about our homes is an in-depth book offered through the Internet Archive. It is free, and offered in multiple formats. Bird Neighbors was first published […]

Learn and craft about fireflies!

Learn and craft about fireflies!

Fireflies offer the perfect blend of science, nature, fun and magic. This is the perfect time of year to study them, too, and do some firefly crafts with the kids. Here are all sorts of ways to study these fascinating little insects and have some fun. Firefly.org is the perfect spot to start your firefly […]

Peony Science! http://magicalchildhood.com/homeschool/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/magicalhomeschoolCollage.jpg 07JUL Peony science! Delay blooms, make color-changing jelly and more Share on Facebook Share Share on Pinterest Pin it Share on TwitterTweet Send To Devices Send When the peonies bloom in early summer, it’s a great opportunity to do some summer science with the kids. Here are some fantastic ways ...

Peony science! Delay blooms, make color-changing jelly and more

When the peonies bloom in early summer, it’s a great opportunity to do some summer science with the kids. Here are some fantastic ways to do nature studies and learn all sorts of science concepts with these beautiful flowers. Keep them from blooming in the refrigerator for over a month! There are lots of sites […]

Free app helps learn about and ID fossils

Free app helps learn about and ID fossils

Researchers have designed a mobile app to help fossil hunters identify their finds, and it’s available for free on iTunes. The app was funded by the National Science Foundation and currently features digitized details on around 800 ancient species. Researchers say they will continue to add 15 to 20 new species to the database each […]

The science of frozen bubbles and how to make them in cold climates or warm

The science of frozen bubbles and how to make them in cold climates or warm

It gets bitterly cold here in Minnesota and in much of the United States in the winter, making it an ideal time to do winter science experiments like freezing bubbles outside. This is a fun and easy project that can teach kids a lot of science concepts. Kids in warm climates can try it, too […]

Print out free animal track ID cards!

Print out free animal track ID cards!

Here’s a wonderful resource for your nature studies. Hobby Farms is offering free, colorful animal track ID cards that you can print out to use for all sorts of educational fun. The sixteen cards include: Deer Mountain Lion Wolf Wild Turkey Skunk Beaver Bobcat Squirrel Fox Opossum Mole Mouse Raccoon Rabbit Coyote Bear The cards […]

Free wildflower ID cards for games, nature studies and more

Hobby Farms Magazine offers wonderful wildflower ID cards that can be used in all sorts of ways for nature study fun in your homeschool. The full-color cards offer photos and descriptions of fourteen wildflowers that can be found throughout the United States. These can be used in a myriad of ways for games, nature studies […]

Five lessons to take from Charlotte Mason for your homeschool

Many homeschoolers around the world follow Charlotte Mason methods, and it’s easy to understand why.  This British educator approached education through nature and great works, creating an environment that appeals to many parents. Here are five Charlotte Mason philosophies that can enrich any homeschool. Let children learn through “living books.”  Mason advocated teaching with books […]

10 Reasons nature study should be a priority in your homeschool

10 Reasons nature study should be a priority in your homeschool

Nature study can be an invaluable part of a child’s homeschooling. Most parents know that kids enjoy nature study, but many don’t realize the many ways it’s vital for the best possible education. Here are ten reasons that nature study should be a major component of every homeschool. It’s an easy way to teach science. […]

Tell the temperature with crickets!

Summer science: Tell the temperature with crickets!

Here’s a great way to combine nature studies, science and math in a really fun way — use crickets to tell the temperature! My husband has been teaching our kids to tell the temperature by counting cricket chirps for years. It sounds like a bit of blarney, but it actually works and scientists have been […]

Science and nature fun for July

Science and nature fun for July

July is full of all sorts of great science and nature opportunities. Here are five fun ones to work into your homeschooling this month. MythBusting: You hear all sorts of folk wisdom that can be great fun for kids to test out. When we heard that you should draw chalk lines outside your house because […]

Take part in citizen science projects monitoring butterflies this summer

Take part in citizen science projects monitoring butterflies this summer

Two wonderful citizen science projects are being offered this summer through SciStarter and they’re a great way to help butterflies while also doing science. These projects are free to take part in and can be done in your own park, town or back yard. The Monarch Larva Monitoring Project was developed by researchers at the […]

A Montessori education for middle school years

A Montessori education for middle school years

Recently, a reader asked me for information about using Montessori principles to homeschool her older children. She wanted to know if Montessori methods could still be used with teens and preteens. The question intrigued me, as I’ve mainly seen Montessori methods taught for children up to age 12. What I found is that yes, there […]

Free curricula in every subject for your preschooler (it's not what you think)

Free curricula in every subject for your preschooler (it’s not what you think)

I’ve been sharing free curricula for every subject and each grade in this column, and several parents have asked me to share free curricula for preschoolers. I’ve put off doing a preschool list yet for two reasons: If you’re new to homeschooling your kids, it’s more important to find resources for older kids than it […]

Great science stations for young kids

Science stations are wonderful for young kids.  They introduce toddlers and preschoolers to the love of science and are also great for keeping them busy while homeschooling older kids.  They’re fun, educational and easy to set up! What is a science station?  It’s a space you stock with fun materials for a child to experiment […]