No matter what type of homeschooler you are, it can be really helpful to adapt your homeschooling to the seasons. Every season has strengths, weaknesses and unique opportunities that you can take advantage of with a little bit of flexibility. This will also keep things fresh for you and the kids! How do you adapt […]
Category: Hands-on learning
What Is My Homeschooler Learning When…
If your state requires you to keep track of time spent on core subjects or if you just need to reassure yourself or family members that your kids are learning, here are some lists of just a few of the activities that count towards subjects like social studies, math, language arts, science and more. Language […]
A Must Read: Don’t Tell Me I Can’t
Don’t Tell Me I Can’t: An Ambitious Homeschooler’s Journey is among the books that I always recommend first to parents and teens who are interested in homeschooling, especially unschooling. This is a wonderful book, written by an unschooled teenager who was an unbelievably remarkable kid. Raised in poverty by disabled parents along with his autistic […]
The Elephant Toothpaste Experiment
Here’s a fun science experiment to do with the kids that’s quick, educational and involves things you probably already have at home. Best of all, it’s really fun! I found the directions here but this experiment can be found all over the internet. This is a messy experiment that would be well suited for outside, […]
Fun (Non-traditional) Ways for Kids to Learn Foreign Languages
Are your kids interested in learning a foreign language? There are lots of great apps and curricula, but there are also fantastic non-traditional ways for them to learn or supplement their learning. A lot of them are low cost and even free, too! Here are some of our favorites that we’ve used over the years. […]
21 Games & Activities to Sneakily Improve Spelling
Looking for some fun ways to help improve your child’s spelling without boring curricula or spelling tests? There are so many fun ways to help improve spelling! Here are a few of our favorites. Make up fun, personalized word searches on sites like Puzzlemaker (it’s free). Add all kinds of words your child will appreciate […]
50+ Magical Ways to Learn Together This Week
50+ Ways to Learn and Play With Social Studies
Looking for some hands-on ways for kids to work on history, geography, government and more? There are so many great ways to work on these skills with kids besides boring lesson plans and textbooks. Here are 50+ great ways for kids to learn social studies from fun, games and real life: Volunteer at a historic […]
50+ Real Life Ways to Learn Math
Looking for some hands-on ways for kids to work on multiplication, fractions, ratios, algebra and more? There are so many great ways to work on these skills with kids besides worksheets and textbooks. Here are 50+ great ways for kids to learn math from games and real life: (Note: This was supposed to be 50, […]
10 Fun Free Ways to Play with Geography
Looking for some fun ways to sneak in some geography this week? Here are all kinds of ways to help kids (and you!) learn about countries, maps and regions. Note: Affiliate links to Amazon are provided when helpful. Purchases from our links earn us a small commission to help keep the lights on here. I […]
Review: Ecology for Kids
Looking for some fun and educational hands-on activities to teach ecology to your kids? Here’s a book that delivers it well. The Kitchen Pantry Scientist Ecology for Kids: Science Experiments and Activities Inspired by Awesome Ecologists, Past and Present is one of a series of great books by Liz Lee Heinecke, also known as the […]
10 Outrageously Fun Ways to Play With Math Today
Five Lessons To Take From Waldorf In Your Homeschool
I talked recently about lessons you can take from Montessori to enrich your homeschool. Waldorf schools are another great source of ideas. Here are five Waldorf principles that appeal to many homeschoolers. 1. Young children don’t need academics. Waldorf schools don’t start any sort of formal teaching (including teaching reading) until age 7, much like […]
10 Sneaky Ways to Improve Your Child’s Math Skills
Math seems to trigger some ancient fight-or-flight mechanism in some otherwise brilliant children. This irrational fear of math can cause kids who don’t feel good at the subject to avoid doing it, leading to a snowball effect of more avoidance, falling farther behind and feeling more panic about not understanding it (and more avoidance). Luckily, […]
50 Fun Ways for Kids to Get Great at Spelling
All five of our homeschooled kids are now great spellers, but they weren’t always great. They learned in different ways that suited them, but in the end they all ended up becoming excellent spellers — without worksheets, drills or a curriculum. How? It was easier than I thought it would be, once they learned in […]
Review: The Science Spell Book
We have a new favorite science experiment book in our homeschool! I was lucky to preview an advanced copy of The Science Spell Book: 30 Enchanting Experiments for Kids earlier this year and immediately fell in love with it. It’s is one of my favorite children’s science books that I’ve read, and I’ve read a […]
A Week’s Worth of Fun Math Fillers
Math Games Lab for Kids: a Great Book for Hands on Fun
Who needs to stick to a boring old math curriculum? There are some really great books for hands-on math fun. Math Games Lab for Kids: 24 Fun, Hands-On Activities for Learning with Shapes, Puzzles, and Games by Rebecca Rapoport is definitely a fun one to check out with your kiddos. I read an advanced reader […]
Artsology Uses Games to Teach Kids About Famous Art
Have your kids played on Artsology yet? This free site uses a wide range of games and activities to teach kids about famous art and music, from Georgia O’Keefe flower puzzles to Salvado Dali hangman to virtual graffiti tagging and jazz musician name scrambles. This is a site we visited with our older kids years […]
Poetry Fun: 5 Creative Exercises to Get Kids Writing Poetry (and liking it)
Looking for a fun way to introduce poetry in your homeschool? Also want to sneak spelling, penmanship, vocabulary, antonyms and parts of speech into the play? Here are some creative poetry exercises that will fit the bill. Revised rhymes: Get out a book of nursery rhymes or short poems (try e.e. cummings or Emily Dickinson) […]
Fall Leaf ID Guide
Here’s a wonderful infographic to help you and your kiddos identify 60 different trees by their fall leaves! The poster (courtesy of MJ Sales Umbrellas, which is no longer online but had a surprisingly helpful blog) helps kids learn about simple versus compound leaves, palmate versus pinnate leaves, and lobed versus not lobed leaves (see […]
Free Printable Weather Tree for April
20+ Fun Ways to Practice Spelling Words
Print Out the FREE Around the Horn Game to Learn About the Gold Rush!
Free 700-page middle school chemistry course available online
Looking for a comprehensive chemistry course for the middle school level? The American Chemical Society provides their entire 691-page curriculum for free as a PDF download or online resource. Middle School Chemistry: Big Ideas About the Very Small is designed to be an 8-10 week course, with each lesson requiring about 45 minutes to one […]
Free 9th Grade Animal Biology Curriculum
Here’s a great freebie, courtesy of Purdue University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. They offer their 9th grade curriculum, “Fat Dogs and Coughing Horses,” absolutely free online. They say: The 9th grade biology curriculum is already full and teachers often feel pressured by trying to cover everything during the course of the school year. With that […]
Free Printable Bird Guide
Here’s a wonderful freebie for your nature studies. The Cornell Institute of Ornithology offers its 12 page BirdSleuth Explorer’s Guidebook absolutely free to download and print. The full color booklet includes lots of great stuff for identifying birds, including some fun activities and worksheets to fill out. Pages include: Wake up your ears What’s a […]
FREE Printable Botany Plant Quiz Cards!
Here’s a great freebie for nature studies and botany lessons. Go Botany, a fantastic web site that has all kinds of plant identification tools, offers these printable cards. They say: Practice your identification skills with these handy plant quiz cards! Even when you cannot get outside or sample live plant specimens, you and your […]
What’s That Feather? Great Tools and Books to ID Unknown Feathers
We checked out a fabulous book from the library yesterday and it got our youngest daughter, Fiona, excited about finding and identifying feathers. Plume, written and illustrated by Isabelle Simler, was New York Times selection for Best Illustrated Children’s Books of 2017 and you’ll be able to see why. I just find it enchanting and simple, […]
Review: A Year of Forest School
Forest schools and other outdoor learning environments are becoming increasingly popular, not just in the United Kingdom but in the U.S. and around the world. A Year of Forest School: Outdoor Play and Skill-building Fun for Every Season, by Jane Worrell and Peter Houghton, gives parents and teachers ideas for nearly 40 seasonal activities suitable […]