Have your kids played on Artsology yet? This free site uses a wide range of games and activities to teach kids about famous art and music, from Georgia O’Keefe flower puzzles to Salvado Dali hangman to virtual graffiti tagging and jazz musician name scrambles.

This is a site we visited with our older kids years ago but I had forgotten about it recently until our youngest daughter, Fiona, got really interested in famous artists.
We play Free Rice together every night before bed to feed the hungry and practice all kinds of learning, and the famous paintings category has been her favorite lately. She was getting so excited about memorizing famous works that I wanted some more fun ways for her to play with art history and dug up an old article about Artsology that I wrote years ago in my homeschooling column.
Here’s what I wrote back then:

Marvelous web site uses games to teach kids about famous art and music
Here’s a fun way to expose your kids to great works of art and music from the comfort of your own home. Artsology is a free web site which features online games and activities that teach children about great works and artists in all different ways.
The games here are quite creative, and sometimes quite simple. For instance:
- The Abstract Expressionists are in battle, use your De Kooning to stop the Gustons and keep Rothko- and Pollock-land safe!
- Use your mouse to play this interactive kinetic art game…
- Mozart is trying to play some music when he suddenly has a problem…
- The Distracted Writer Game – help the novelist get some peace and quiet so he or she can finish writing the novel!
- Use a catapult and see how far you can hurl a paint can through a Jackson Pollock landscape.
- Can you tell the difference between art and everyday objects?
- Find the famous authors’ names in this classic word-find game.
- A second round of testing your knowledge of unusual jazz musician nicknames … can you determine who is real and who is not?
- Find matching colors that form rectangles within the grid of a Mondrian painting and click on them to score points …
- Please help J.S. Bach – he just wants to play his piano, but his wife has other plans…
- Use our Geometric Art Maker to create abstract geometric paintings …
- And much more.
The site also features an “Investigations” section, where they say:
Artsology investigates topics, events and major figures in the arts, including visual art, music, literature and dance. These can be utilized as arts resources for students and homeschoolers, but hopefully can be simply enjoyed as well!

There are also videos, a blog and even an art gallery where viewers can send in their own art to be posted.
This is a great resource, and also just a lot of fun!
The website has been updated even more since then with lots of new games and even some fun printables.