50+ Real Life Ways to Learn Math

Looking for some hands-on ways for kids to work on multiplication, fractions, ratios, algebra and more? There are so many great ways to work on these skills with kids besides worksheets and textbooks.

Here are 50+ great ways for kids to learn math from games and real life:

(Note: This was supposed to be 50, but I kept thinking of just one more I wanted to add. Even so, I had to leave out so many great ways kids can learn math!)

  1. Play card games like Blackjack, times table war or other fun math card games
  2. Go shopping (coupons and sales add to the skills they’ll work on!)
  3. Play Monopoly
  4. Play dart games like 301
  5. Go bowling and keep score yourselves
  6. Follow a recipe (better yet, double it)
  7. Take a poll and graph the results
  8. Sew something
  9. Estimate the weight of a fish by its length
  10. Collect change and bundle the coins
  11. Play with adding machines, calculators and abacuses
  12. Pretend to invest in the stock market and see if you lose or make money — or really invest in it!
  13. Have a lemonade stand or other sales stand
  14. Play with Cuisenaire rods, tanagrams and other math manipulatives
  15. Play fun math apps like Dragonbox and Prodigy
  16. Figure out how long it would take for solar panels to pay for themselves
  17. Celebrate Pi Day and do lots of Pi related activities
  18. Play dice games
  19. Watch silly math shows like Maths Mansion on YouTube
  20. Make a play store with play money from the dollar store
  21. Plant seeds and garden
  22. Read fun math picture books like Sir Cumference and the First Round Table and Monster Math
  23. Save up for something
  24. Build with items like mini marshmallows and toothpicks
  25. Figure out the tip at a restaurant
  26. Do sudoku and kakuro puzzles
  27. Figure out how fast you can throw, run, bike, etc.
  28. Figure out the temperature outside by counting cricket chirps
  29. Redecorate your room (paint needs, costs for supplies, square feet, area, perimeter, etc.)
  30. Estimate someone’s height based on the size of their hand print
  31. Use measurement tools like tape measures
  32. Play sports and keep score
  33. Use online mortgage calculators to compare how much you’d pay total for various houses over different times with interest
  34. Plan trips (mileage, costs, etc.)
  35. Sell things at the farmers’ market
  36. Make a map to scale
  37. Start a square foot garden
  38. Balance a chemical equation
  39. Weigh produce at the grocery store
  40. Figure out a formula for how much to charge for something (like supplies plus so much an hour)
  41. Figure out what your bills would be if you moved into a local apartment
  42. Make a chart of all the Halloween candy you get
  43. Convert money to another country’s currency
  44. Count time between thunder and lightning to estimate how far away it is
  45. Set a goal for daily steps and track them
  46. Figure out taxes, social security, etc. from your first paychecks
  47. Compare how many of something there are to others (what color of M&Ms is the most common? how many meat eating dinosaurs were there compared to plant eating? how rare is this reward in a game compared to others?)
  48. Count down to an event
  49. Track the family’s electrical or water usage
  50. Play with puzzle books
  51. Build a treehouse or other project

This is honestly just a drop in the bucket. There are so many more ways that math comes up quite nicely in life! Tile the kitchen floor, go to the races and compare the odds and winnings of various horses, estimate how far away stars are and how long until we see their light, play with codes, make miniatures of something, do beading, knit or crochet….

What are some fun ones you’d add?

Post Author: A Magical Homeschool

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