December 2020 Wild Kids Magazine

Wild Kids Magazine for December 2020

Happy December!  It doesn’t seem possible that this month is upon us already. This month also marks two years that I’ve been putting out Wild Kids Magazine, which doesn’t seem possible.  I’ve always said that I would take it year by year in deciding whether to do another year, and I’ve decided to commit to another one, even though my family always thinks I’m nuts because I am so frantic at the end of every month putting it together!  😉  It seems like the world needs all the nature and fun it can get right now.

Our first year’s botanical coloring pages were for wild foods to forage, and this year’s were for herbs.  I’m torn between doing garden plants or flowers for 2021’s pages.  As you know, I use Elizabeth Blackwell’s wonderful historical prints that she created hundreds of years ago, so I am limited to the plants she found useful (luckily there were hundreds!).  Let me know if you and your kiddos have a preference for flowers or garden plants!

Here is this month’s issue of Wild Kids Magazine:

December 2020 Wild Kids Magazine

December 2020 Wild Kids Magazine

This issue is a little longer than usual because I made some “wreck this magazine” pages for kids to use nature to have fun with muddy fingerprints, pounded leaves and so on.  We also have information about mistletoe and thistles, tips on enjoying all the seasons, all the usual nature journal pages, seasonal poetry and lots more.

As always, the magazine is ad-free and 100% free to read online, download or print out.  Feel free to share the link with anyone who might benefit.

I’m not adding any links to this post in order to get the magazine out to you as soon as possible.  If you have questions or would like any links for more info on any of the topics, just leave a comment and I’ll be happy to share my favorite resources.

Stay well and have a wonderful month!

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  • Katrina Bradley

    I just wanted to thank you for this amazing resource. The magazine is both beautiful and functional. I can only imagine the hours you put into it, and then you offer it for free. What a gift! Thank you thank you for the joy this brings to our homeschool.

  • Stacy Robinson

    Thank for you continuing to offer this for another year. I just found you at the beginning of the year and Wild Kids has been invaluable for us as homeschoolers stuck at home. I have teenagers and we have loved the activities in your publication. I have also shared with other homeschool families with older kids. Sometimes, getting outside just isn’t enough. We need some guidance on activities. Again, thank you for your hard work and continued dedication to this. Looking forward to 2021.