Wild Kids Magazine for March 2022
Happy March! Here is this month’s issue of Wild Kids Magazine.
In this month’s magazine, we have pages to wreck with spring weather like mud and sun, spring foraging info and a spring foraging word find, botanical coloring pages on lettuce and cress, a March phenology calendar and all the usual nature study pages, seasonal poetry, a March weather tree to track the weather and more.
As always, the magazine is ad-free and absolutely free to read online, print out or send to your e-reader.
This month’s issue is 24 pages, designed to be printed on both sides if you choose to print it out.
Feel free to share the magazine with anyone who might benefit.
Have a wild and wonderful month!

Nicole Larsen
Love to receive this!!!! How!?
The magazine isn’t a physical copy in the mail. You can print it out or you can read it electronically with your kids. It’s a PDF copy. If you want to read it on a Kindle or Kindle reader, you can download the file and mail it to your kindle email address and then it will read just like a book. We usually print ours out on both sides of the paper in color and keep the issues in a clear report cover. If you don’t have a printer, you can usually print things out at a low cost at your local library. Hope that helps!