
Wild Kids Magazine for November 2022

Happy November!

Here is this month’s issue of Wild Kids Magazine.

This month’s issue is 20 pages, in PDF form as always.  As always, it is 100% ad-free and absolutely free to print out, read online or send to your e-reader.

In this month’s issue, we have some fun ways to use nature to play with math.  We also have information on wild foods you can forage for flour, plus a recipe for acorn flour mini donuts.  We have blank charts for tracking November temperatures, a November sky wheel for kids to draw each day’s sky, ways to play and learn in nature this month, botanical coloring pages for almond and hazelnut trees, plus all the usual nature poems, nature study pages and more.

Feel free to share the magazine with anyone you think might benefit.

Have a wonderful, wild month!

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