cover of July 2021 Wild Kids Magazine

Wild Kids Magazine for July 2021

Happy July! Welcome to this month’s issue of Wild Kids Magazine.

In this months’ issue, we learn about two kinds of flowers, Oxeye daisies (which are often found in the wild) and hollyhocks (which are lovely to grow in gardens). We’ve also got information on how to make a butterfly puddler, a bug hunting challenge, ways to learn and play in nature this month, plus all the usual nature journal pages, foraging record keeping pages, nature poetry and more.

The magazine is 18 pages this month. You can read it, download it or print it here:

July 2021 Wild Kids Magazine

As always, the magazine is ad-free and 100% free to read online or print out.

Feel free to share the link with anyone who might benefit.

Have a wild and wonderful month!


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