Have you made your summer bucket list yet? If you need a little inspiration, here’s our list from 2010 of 101 fun, educational, sentimental and silly things to do over the summer.
- Catch fireflies
- Take part in the library reading program
- Dance in the rain
- Master the multiplication tables
- Read the Little House series together
- Visit Walnut Grove and the Wilder Museum
- Have a water balloon fight
- Go geocaching
- Go to the zoo
- Take part in the Great Backyard Campout
- Grow a garden
- Finish an unfinished workbook
- Take swimming lessons
- Do sheet painting
- Make a family newspaper
- Play tennis at the park
- Go hiking at a state park
- Run in the sprinkler
- Read A Little History of the World or listen to the audio version together
- Raise butterflies
- Do the elephant toothpaste experiment
- Climb a tree
- Visit an art museum and then go home and do art inspired by favorite styles
- Make oobleck and jump in it and try to throw it
- Go strawberry picking
- Make mud pies
- Memorize a poem
- Bring treats to a neighbor
- Visit a historic site like the Jeffers Petroglyphs
- Press flowers (in a book or with a homemade press)
- Make bark boats and float them down a stream
- Write a book report on Amazon.com
- “Explode” cattails
- Catch a toad (make sure to let him go in the same spot!)
- Rent a canoe or paddle boat
- Go camping
- Write a short story
- Take part in a summer rec program
- Go on a long bike ride together and pack a lunch
- Go bird watching
- Visit an amusement park like Valley Fair
- Learn how to build a campfire
- Read a book that starts with each letter of the alphabet
- Put a hula hoop on the ground and observe everything in the circle
- Play a board game together
- Wade in a creek
- Have a picnic with friends
- Make fruit juice slushies
- Play “Historic Who Am I” (like 20 questions, but think of a famous person from history)
- Have a hula hoop contest
- Go to the farmer’s market
- Make a lapbook
- Watch a parade (better yet, be in one)
- Play marbles
- Make a shelter out of branches in the back yard or the woods
- Go to a baseball or softball game
- Go to a science museum
- Fly kites
- Go beach combing at the lake
- Cook something with dandelions
- Lie on blankets outside after dark and watch for shooting stars
- Check out an educational computer game from the library
- Go to a wacipi (pow wow)
- Read the Betsy-Tacy books (and visit their real houses in Mankato)
- Whistle with a blade of grass (the more people the better!)
- Rent nature-related IMAX movies from Netflix
- Clean up the litter at a park or other natural location
- Grow or make something to be judged at the county fair
- Have a lemonade stand
- Play volleyball
- Pick something you don’t know much about, research it and give an oral report on it
- Play Scrambled States of America
- Wear pedometers and try to have over 10,000 steps every day (if that’s too easy, aim for 20,000!)
- Go on a nature scavenger hunt
- Go roller skating or roller blading
- See how many items in an ID guide (for books, rocks, trees, etc.) you can find by the end of the summer
- Play frisbee in the park
- Assemble miniature plane kits (you can find them affordably priced at craft stores like Hobby Lobby) and fly them
- Start a family photography or poetry blog
- Write a favorite author and tell her why you love her books
- Go to a drive-in
- Go to a garage sale (or 20!)
- Visit a park you’ve never been to or one you haven’t been to lately
- Play kick-the-can
- Make a giant chalk mural on the driveway (For really vibrant colors, use chalk pastels instead of sidewalk chalk. You can find them for around $3 at art and craft stores.)
- Play miniature golf
- Start learning a new language online
- Bake cookies
- Go on a nature walk after dark (put red cellophane over flashlights so they won’t scare off animals)
- Make ice cream in a bag
- Play in the mud
- Take a tour of a farm or winery
- Grow gladiolas and graph them
- Take part in a summer community theater production
- Roast marshmallows
- Go tubing or water skiing
- Have a barbecue
- Make artwork or baked treats for local fire and rescue workers
- Fill the kiddie pool with all sorts of things
- Spread shaving cream on trays or tables outside and draw in it
- Learn to embroider, knit or crochet
Obviously, this is just a drop in the bucket for fun and educational things you can do in the summer time. Next time, I’ll share 99 more!
What’s on your list?
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This article originally appeared on examiner.com
One thought on “101 things to do this summer”
Make a summer bucket list! – A Magical Homeschool
(July 8, 2016 - 8:53 pm)[…] Want more inspiration? Check out one of our summer bucket lists. […]