Looking for some great resources to help teach physics? The American Physics Society offers a wealth of great resources for kids of all ages — free.
The APS’s PhysicsCentral provides physics-related comic books to read online, along with coloring books, activity guides, podcasts and vodcasts, physics games, book suggestions and more.
The comic books, which are designed for the middle school age, include:
Spectra 1
Spectra 2: Power
Spectra 3: Force
Spectra 4: Spectra Heats Up
Spectra 5: Turbulent Times
Tesla and the Electric Fair
The coloring books (PDF files), which are designed for elementary age, include
- Entire Coloring Book
- Descriptions of Physicists
- Poem
- Coloring Pages by Physicist
- Nicolas Copernicus
- Galileo Galilei
- Isaac Newton
- Benjamin Franklin
- Edward Alexander Bouchet
- Marie Sklodowska Curie
- Albert Einstein
- Enrico Fermi
- Maria Goeppert Mayer
- Richard Feynman
- Draw Yourself as a Physicist
You can also find additional information about each of the physicists profiled here.
Browse the site for more physics-related resources, such as the physics blog (featuring some great physics videos this week), ask-a-physicist, podcasts and vodcasts, at-home physics experiments (make glowing jello! do office chair physics!), free physics games and simulations and lots more.
This is a fabulous resource to help make physics fun and understandable for kids of all ages.
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This article originally appeared on examiner.com