Wild Kids Magazine for April 2020
Welcome to the April issue of Wild Kids Magazine. This month is a different sort of month for most of us around the world, so I’ve adapted this month’s issue to reflect that. Most of the focus is on ways to enjoy nature at home, even indoors, like sprouting vegetable scraps, planning and starting gardens, looking for wild edible plants in our own backyards, and watching the stars from the balcony at night.
It’s important to note that even in times like these (especially in times like these), nature is vitally important for our emotional and physical health. Sunshine, fresh air and light exercise are all great ways to further safeguard our health, as long as we can find ways to access them safely. Hopefully we can all get back to a more normal outdoor life soon enough once we’re through this.
Here is this month’s issue: April 2020 Wild Kids Magazine
Here are some links to add to the topics covered in this month’s magazine.
Garden planning
There are some wonderful online tools that will help you plan your plantings of seeds and seedlings. Here are some of our favorites.
The Old Farmer’s Almanac lets you plug in your zip code and find out the best time to plant all kinds of fruits, veggies and herbs.
Burpee lets you pick the seeds you want to plant and find out when you need to plant them and transplant them.
Here are easy crops to direct seed. Urban Farmer has a fantastic, thorough guide of what to plant in April depending on what garden zone you’re in. Imperfectly Happy has great lists of what to plant in April according to what garden zone you’re in.
Looking for a great seed or plant supply source? My all-time favorite gardening resource is Dave’s Garden, which has maintained a free user-generated database called Garden Watchdog for many years. Users rate companies they’ve dealt with and you can search for places that sell specific types of plants or read reviews of how they’ve done for others.
I had planned to give you lots of links about uses for parsley and chamomile, but I decided it would be better to get the issue out on time than worry about perfection this time. I encourage you and your family to look into these two marvelous plants to learn more!
Where are the collectible nature cards?
I didn’t include a set of the monthly nature cards this time and plan to put some on the site halfway through the month. It was tricky to know where to put them in the magazine, especially since they work best printed on cardstock. I was also making too much work for myself all at once by doing them at the same time as the rest of the magazine. I figure this way there will be something fun for the kids twice a month rather than once! Look for those in a couple of weeks. I think the subscribe button is finally working, at least for most people, so click on that if you’d like to be notified when I post them.
Wishing you and your families the best. Hang in there and we’ll see you next month. 💚

Hi! I’m not able to open the magazine. Is there a way for it to be emailed to me? This looks amazing and I can’t wait to read it!
What happens when you click on the link? If it’s still not working for you, let me know and I’ll email you the PDF. It’s the same PDF as the link though so I hope it works.
Thank you so much! This is just lovely. We’ve found ourselves unexpectedly homeschooling for the rest of the year, and I can easily see using this magazine as part of our relaxed approach.
I’m glad if it’s useful. 🙂 We are relaxed homeschoolers too (though we always have been). Wishing the best for your family.