Welcome to Wild Kids Magazine!
Wild Kids magazine was created to help teach kids and their grown ups about nature and all the ways it’s awesome. Every month, you’ll learn about a different wild plant that you can forage and how to use it. We’ll also share seasonal ways to get out in nature, botanical coloring pages, nature-based crafts and activities, nature-based poems, weather facts and lots more.
We know that people live in all kinds of places with all kinds of weather and types of nature, so we’ll try to offer stuff that will be helpful for as many families as possible.
For each month, check here for additional links and resources to round out the month’s themes.
Please drop me a line if there’s something in particular you’d like to see!

The link to the Wild Kid magazine for January 2019 link doesn’t open:( The message that come sup is page not found!! Just wanted to let you know I tried many times and couldn’t open it!
Try refreshing the page. I fixed the link a few hours ago and it should work now. Let me know if it still doesn’t work for you!
Marjorie Searl
This looks like a wonderful magazine but the download link foesnt work for me.
Sorry about that! I didn’t capitalize the J in January in the URL and it turns out that matters. 😉 It should be working now!
Linda Covnot
I would love to get this magazine sent to my email.
Linda, you can download the magazine directly from the site here. Just click on the post for January’s issue and it has the PDF. You can also subscribe so new posts will be sent to your email. Hope that helps!
We have a subscribe button now on the site so if you fill that out you can get an email when new posts are published. 🙂
Tried to get an email link to subscribe but doesn’t seem to be working. I would love to get the monthly posts
Judy finch
Live in Australia so the seasons do not match. Is there a way to receive back issues so we can absorb summer issues in our summer and vice versa?
We’ve just started so there are no back issues yet past January but that would certainly work a little down the line. I do try to include all locations in as much as possible, such as the 10 ways to play with nature each month. If you look at the “Wild Kids Asks…” page each month, there are answers and pictures from kids all over the world including the southern hemisphere. In February the question asks what kids like to do where they live in February and there are answers from kids in all different climates. I also try to do foraging information that suits all different locations, like cattails (bulrushes) were featured in February and you can use them in all seasons.
I would love for people to send in their pictures and answers from all over so we can be the most helpful for the most people. 🙂
This is awesome! Thank you, what a gift to the hs community:)
I’d love to subscribe to this but can’t seem to find the link for it. Thank you so much for this resource!
I’m working on getting the subscribe option to work. I’ve tried a half dozen widgets and plug-ins and they all create fatal errors and such. I have no idea why it’s been so tricky but I’m working on it. Hopefully soon! 🙂
Is there a way to subscribe yet? This is so exciting!
My Aunt wants to order a magazine for my 2 kids. These is the only one I can find that matches our values/ what I would like them to learn. Is this just an online thing, or can one order magazines in print?
Great magazine, thank you so much! Greetings from the Netherlands!