April 2021 Wild Kids

Wild Kids Magazine for April 2021

Hello April!  It’s another wonderful month to get outside and have some wild fun.

Here’s the April 2021 issue of Wild Kids Magazine:

April 2021 Wild Kids Magazine

This month’s issue is 18 pages and, as always, it is ad-free and 100% free to read digitally or print out.  You can also print out just the nature journal pages, if you and your kiddos want to read the rest on an e-reader.

In this month’s issue, we have information about foraging wild greens and how to use them, a kids’ foraging pledge, a phenology calendar and night sky wheel, and much more, with botanical coloring pages for lilies and primroses, plus all of the usual nature study pages.

Please share the link to the magazine with anyone who might benefit.

Have a wonderful, wild month!

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    • Alicia

      The magazine is free to read or print out. There’s no in-the-mail option, though. If you don’t have a printer, you can usually get things printed for a pretty low price at public libraries or copy shops. It’s designed to be printed on both sides of the paper if you have that option.