About Us
Hi and welcome to Wild Kids! We’re a homeschooling family in Minnesota and nature is a big part of our lives. We spend a lot of time hiking, foraging, camping, gardening, swimming, boating, walking, biking, bird watching and otherwise enjoying nature.
Our kids are Victoria, Rhiannon, Jack, Alex and Fiona. Our oldest two have now graduated and our youngest are in 1st, 6th and 10th grades. We have a big range of ages but we all manage to have fun when we get outside.
I’ve run the nonprofit website A Magical Childhood for 18 years (and it shows! an updated site is coming soon) mostly transitioning to the Magical Childhood blog about 10 years ago, and now also have the offshoots A Magical Homeschool and A Magical Life, where I share more grown up topics like foraging, gardening, cooking with kids and frugal living. I’ve also written four books on topics like foraging and nature studies, with more in the works.
Our youngest two kids, Fiona (7) and Alex (11) are also working on their first books, about their favorite foods to forage. Look for those in the spring!
One of my favorite children’s books is Miss Rumphius, and I have always tried to find my own ways to try to “make the world a little more beautiful.” At the risk of sounding dorky (too late!), Wild Kids is another way I suppose I am trying to do my part. 🙂
Thanks for all you do, too.