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Garlic Scape Pesto


  • 8 garlic scapes
  • 1 cup olive oil
  • 1 cup paremesan cheese
  • 1/2 lime
  • salt and pepper to taste


  • Puree the scapes in a food processor with the olive oil.
  • Stir in the parmesan and lime juice. Add salt and pepper to taste (optional).


How to use:
  • Toss some pesto with freshly cooked pasta and vegetables (add another drizzle of olive oil if needed).
  • Use as a sandwich spread.
  • Mix with cream cheese for a cracker spread.
  • Serve with grilled meats and vegetables.
  • Stir in a scoop to liven up creamy sauces.
  • Stir into cold cooked pasta and chopped veggies for a summer pasta salad.
  • Mix into homemade dips.
  • Whisk with olive oil and a bit of mustard for vinaigrette.
  • Stir into ricotta filling for stuffed shells or manicotti.
  • Use wherever you want a punch of flavor!
The pesto can be packed in small jars and stored in the freezer, or kept in the refrigerator for about a week.