Magical Childhood Newsletter
Volume 18
September 7, 2001

Hi folks!  I'm back from Ohio and still grinning.  We had a fabulous time.  Almost 30 years to the day from when I last saw my family on my father's side, we were reunited.  They told me stories about my dad and showered us with presents and (even better) love.  It was really a magical time-- the first of many with our new family, I hope.  Although people that tall should really not be allowed to wear heels... In the pictures I look like the friendly dwarf they adopted!  <VBG>

We also had the news that our dear friend Polly regained consciousness and has a very good prognosis.  Considering we went over a day thinking she had died and then it seemed she'd be brain dead if she did survive, this is wonderful news.  Told ya life was magical sometimes.  :)

Now, on with the newsletter.....


Cleaning and scrubbing can wait 'til tomorrow
For babies grow up, we've learned to our sorrow...
So quiet down, cobwebs, Dust, go to sleep...
I'm rocking my baby, and babies don't keep.

(author unknown)


Tempera paint

Mix equal amounts of flour, salt and water. Add liquid Tempera paint for color. Pour mixture into squeeze bottles and paint. Mixture will harden in a puffy shape.


Quick and easy lunch idea.....
When I need a filling, quick lunch I make seasoned veggies and pasta.  It hardly costs a thing and is very healthy, plus it's tasty!

1.  In a large pot, heat a 1 pound (or so) bag of frozen veggies (broccoli, mixed, Chinese, or whatever the kids will eat) with a bunch of water.
2.  Once the water comes to a full boil, drop in one pack (or 2) of Ramen noodles.
3.  Cook 3 minutes.
4.  Drain.  Add seasoning packet and a tbs or 2 of margarine.  Serves 1-2 hungry adults and 2 hungry toddlers.

It tastes a lot like the pasta mixes you buy, except it's full of nutritious veggies and cheaper.  You can use fresh or canned veggies too, of course.  We love it!

** Ramen noodle seasoning often contain MSG, which makes affects some kids negatively and is just creepy to others.  You can leave out the packet and just season yourself.

Do your kids have journals?  Give them beautiful, empty books to keep as diaries and encourage them to start writing down their days, poems, stories, memories, or even doodles.  My friend Val has kept journals since she was a child and the treasure of memories is incredible!  It's worth the investment.  Most important, don't peek unless invited.  If you want trustworthy kids you have to be a trustworthy parent!

Use the talents you possess, for the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except the best.
                      — Henry Van Dyke


A great resource for homeschoolers & book lovers.....

This site has thousands of surplus books of all types, with over half of them free (other than the cost of shipping).


When's the last time you played charades?  How about tonight?  It's fun!  Turn off the TV and be your favorite book, movie or song title.  ;)


Jingle Bell Child....

Get some jingle bells and some strips of cloth, string, or an old bracelet.  Help kids attach the bells to the cloth, decorate it, and fasten it to their ankles.  Spend the day making music with each step.  Make one for you too!  How can you be grumpy when you jingle when you walk?!!!


From magical mama Jacqueline........ Garden cards!

Use heavy sheets of paper and paint them with watercolors.  Fold into cards.  Add pressed flowers from your garden and decorate with clear shimmer or glitter glue.  Top them with clear contact paper and on the inside write something like "From our garden to your home with love." =)

Note: I've attached a picture at the end of the newsletter.  --A


If You See a Tiny Faery
~by William Shakespeare

 If you see a tiny faery,
 Lying fast asleep
 Shut your eyes
 And run away,
 Do not stay to peek!
 Do not tell
 Or you'll break a faery spell.


From the Dollar Stretcher newsletter

                 Special 18th Birthday Party

"Here's a very special 18th birthday gift we gave our eldest son.

We sent a letter to about 15 men who had an influence on or meant a lot to our son.  This letter asked each one to write him a letter giving him advice for his future, reflections on their relationship
to our son, qualities and traits he has or should pursue, advice, instruction, or expectations on the subject of "manhood".  We told them:  "You are one of the men Aaron and I (my husband wrote the
letter) know and respect and I want Aaron to benefit from the wisdom each of you possess."  Then we compiled all the letters in a notebook with page protectors and gave it to him on his 18th
birthday.  He was very impressed that so many men from his past took time to write their thoughts to him (especially the 6th grade teacher!).  We also got letters from friends we had moved away
from, his former pastor, grandfathers, etc.  If you want to read further about this idea, we got it from the book "Raising a Modern Day Knight" by Robert Lewis."


I love this site!  Check out to listen to hundreds of songs for children, complete with lyrics and artist info.  You can compile your own custom CD for around ten dollars.  I want to make a bedtime CD and a funny one and one for exercising.....


10 Ways to make today magical......

1.  Let your child use washable markers and give you an ankle tattoo.
2.  Go to another town and on the way make up totally different identities for yourselves.  All day, call yourselves by your fake names and play along with your alternate life.  Encourage the kids to really get creative for eavesdroppers.
3.  Take apart a bunch of old jewelry and try to make a new artistic creation together.
4.  Have dinner with all conversations in pig latin.
5.  Write and mail letters to yourselves.
6.  Build something out of supper!  Create a landscape, for instance, with a big mountain of mashed potatoes surrounded by broccoli forests and a log cabin fish stick house.  Let kids cut your creation like a cake and eat their favorite parts.
7.  Learn something together.  Pick a subject-- from origami to bird calls-- and look it up online, at the library, or ask a friend to teach you.
8.  Start making toasts at meals.
9.  Play hide and seek.
10. Look for signs.  Tell the kids you're going to find 10 signs as to what you should do next or to solve a problem.  Assign someone to write them all down.  Then go on a walk and pay attention to accidental letters spelled in the sky by airplanes, birds that caw as you pass, flowers growing in the sidewalk..... At home, randomly open a book and point to see what word your finger lands on.  Have the kids help assign "meanings" to each sign.  Make sure they know it's all in fun.  Afterwards, talk about how you can find signs to tell you to do anything if you try hard enough.  Encourage them to be as outlandish as possible!

Happiness is a conscious choice, not an automatic response.
                      — Mildred Berthel


And now, kiddos, I should quit being an idiot and get some sleep.  ;)  Have a great week!



A Magical Childhood
Copyright 2001, Alicia Bayer

A Magical Childhood Newsletter is just something I throw together because I love children and those who love them.  To subscribe, send a message to  We do not use ads.  It's not about money.  :)

Feel free to pass this on.  Don't steal it, that would be rude.
