I hope you've been enjoying the newsletter. Feel free to write back and let me know any specific subjects or areas you'd like to see. Also, if there are any subjects you'd like tips on I could open it up to a sort of "Can you help?" section for anything from recommending bikes to advice on how on earth to get their teeth brushed without screams louder than the tornado sirens. If you'd like to send in any tips, sites, craft ideas, or musings, go for it!
Have a great week!
10 Fun, Free Places to go today
1. The park to feed the ducks
2. Art museum
3. The library (even better if you catch
story time)
4. For a hike at a park or nature reserve
5. One of those half abandoned malls that
nobody goes to, so the kids can run around and make noise and there's less
stuff to call out "buy me!".
6. The humane society to see if there's
volunteer work available for you and the kids (walking dogs, brushing animals,
or even just loving on them).
7. Tour any local factories that allow
the public in.
8. Go fishing (even without hooks-- kids
don't care!).
9. Rock hunting-- anywhere with rocks counts.
My husband finds petrified wood and agates in parking lot medians.
Kids love finding neat rocks!
10. Play tourist in a nearby town. Stroll
downtown and be sure to stop at any visitor's centers. Ask about
attractions for the family. There may be some you don't even know
In the same theme, the Dollar Stretcher web site
has a list of free and low-cost places to visit, arranged by state.
See what your state has to offer and leave a note with any recommendations
you have....
The other night a storm knocked our power out just as the girls and I were in the tub. Daryl scrambled for a candle and we finished our bath by candlelight and then all piled in bed and read stories by the flame. It was surprisingly fun! I think we might try a voluntary power outage sometime soon. It would be a great time to read books from the days before electricity like the Little House series or picture books from history. I'm going to look for some at the library so I'll let you know of any good ones I find!
From Femail Creations:
<<<< Imagine a Mother >>>>
Imagine a mother who believes she belongs in the
A mother who celebrates her own life.
Who is glad to be alive.
Imagine a mother who celebrates the birth of
her daughters.
A mother who believes in the goodness of her
Who nurtures their wisdom. Who cultivates
their power.
Imagine a mother who celebrates the birth of
her sons.
A mother who believes in the goodness of her
Who nurtures their kindness. Who honors
their tears.
Imagine a mother who turns toward herself with
interest. A mother
who acknowledges her own feelings and thoughts.
Whose capacity
to be available to her family deepens as she
is available to herself.
Imagine a mother who is aware of her own needs
and desires.
A mother who meets them with tenderness and grace.
Who enlists the support of respectful friends
and chosen family.
Imagine a mother who live in harmony with her
A mother who trusts her impulses to expand and
Who knows that everything changes in the fullness
of time.
Imagine a mother who embodies her spirituality.
A mother
Who honors her body as the sacred temple of the
spirit of life.
Who breathes deeply as a prayer of gratitude
for life itself.
Imagine a mother who values the women in her life.
A mother who finds comfort in the company of
Who sets aside time to replenish her woman-spirit.
Imagine yourself as this mother.
Item #5421 Imagine a Mother
(No affiliation with the company but I do shop there when things go low enough on clearance) :)
Quick Fun! Have a tug of war! You only get to use one hand or have to play with a silly restriction.
This is a wonderful movie review site for parents,
where you can see detailed information on objectionable material in movies
from scary scenes to drug use to whether it contains topics to talk about.
Magical mama Jen sent these quotes.......
All the masterpieces of art contain both light
and shadow. A happy life is not one filled with only sunshine, but one
which uses both light and shadow to produce beauty.
-Billy Graham
Laughter is inner jogging.
-Norman Cousins
If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light.
Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness and fear.
-Glenn Clark
Each day we make deposits in the memory banks
of our children.
-Charles Swindoll
There's a lot of fun stuff (love those scientific
phrases) going on in the sky in the next month or so. With the warming
weather it's a great time to start star-gazing. There are meteor
showers hitting in the next couple of days, plus a comet is coming sometime
soon too. Here are some sites magical mama Claire found and heartily
By the way, an expert in an astrology magazine says he uses binoculars for his planetary snooping. He claims they're easier to just lie in the grass and look through and that he can get a good view with them. If you want to get a closer look and don't have a telescope, you might be able to get your hands on some binoculars and try those out.
Here's some fun books we found at the library that I suggest checking out...
10 Minutes Till Bedtime (Peggy Rathman I think?
The same author who "wrote" the wordless "Goodnight Gorilla" book)
This is another book with almost no words and
it's delightful! A little boy has ten minutes till bedtime, and his
father shouts out the countdown every page or so (also great for teaching
numbers). The whole time he gets ready for bed, hordes and hordes
of hamsters are arriving for the bedtime tour. Don't ask! It's
darling though. These little guys join him in the bath by the hundreds,
complete with little hamster floats and slides. They brush their
babies' "toofs" when he brushes his.... all the while the head hamster
is leading this magical tour of them in little buses and all. It's
cute stuff, with so many wonderful, goofy details to find as you read.
A winner.
But Not the Hippopotamus (by Sandra Boynton) Like all of Boynton's board books, this one is just cute. The illustrations are always such fun, and the rhyme is funny enough that Daryl chuckles when he reads it to the girls. It's a nice little lesson about including everybody too, without beating kids over the head with preaching. :)
Silly Sally (by Audrey Wood) The Woods are pretty good at creating wonderful books (other than "Bright and Early Tuesday Evening" which I find creepy! G). Silly Sally is my favorite of theirs! We check out the board book every time it's at the library! This sunny yellow, darling book is quirky and fun. It's a rhyme about Silly Sally, who goes to town walking backwards upside down. Along the way she runs into characters who make her journey even harder. Good fun. Daryl knows it by heart and recites it to Victoria when she's cranky in the car. ;)
Mice Squeak, We Speak (Tomie DePaola) This big, colorful book is really good for the younger set, especially as they're learning their animals and animal noises. There are few words, just brightly colored animals with their accompanying noises. Every few pages it comes back to some children, and says "But I speak!" or talk or whatever rhymes with the current set of noises.
When Sophie Gets Angry -- Really, Really Angry
(by Molly Bang)
A good book about emotions and anger, which shows
what happens when one little girl gets angry and how she gets happy again.
It's realistic without being preachy, plus it makes it okay to be angry.
It's a little old for Victoria, who doesn't have the option of running
out of the house to climb a tree to get calm, but it still shows anger
in a healthy way and shows how to deal with it. Best of all, it validates
Sophie's anger and doesn't encourage kids to bury their negative emotions.
I'm not sure she's a role model as much as just a normal kid. Victoria
is mesmerized by the book and Annalee (15 months) is starting to learn
about anger from it too (believe me, she knows about anger on her own already).
(We interrupt this newsletter to tickle the baby's
tummy and make her giggle lots! Okay, we now resume our regularly
broadcast yapping......)
I remember the first time I went shopping for baby clothes and actually held a tiny baby sock. I had just found out I was pregnant and I stood in the department store with this minuscule pink baby sock in my hand, in absolute giddy amazement that I would have my own tiny person who could fit in that sock!
Unfortunately, that was the first of many miscarriages for me and it was almost ten years later when I finally had my own little newborn perfect feet to fit in those socks. Yes, I kept them. My box of baby clothes and blankets moved with me from apartment to apartment, miscarriage to miscarriage. I couldn't look at it for years but I kept it. Someday my baby was going to wear those precious pink and blue and white socks.
Both of my babies have feet that are too big for those tiny little things now, but I still get a giddy thrill from looking -- really looking -- at their tiny little parts. They're not going to be small forever. I relish their chubby, soft little hands and feet and cheeks.
Next time your children are within reach, take a few minutes to really truly look at their little hands and feet. Even if they're teenagers, pull them onto your lap and hold their hands and think back to how far these hands have come. Think of the tiny little buds they were inside you (or whoever carried them). Remember the sight and feel of those precious fingers wrapped around your huge thumb.
Hold their hands in yours and look at the beautiful, tiny lines that criss cross all over them, like maps of their futures. Feel how soft they still are. If ever you want something to make you forget the whining and challenges, holding this little person's perfect little hand and really looking at it will do it.
With a little luck, someday these hands are going to grow up to hold their own babies, dance with their loved ones and help people up. They'll be as big as ours or bigger. They'll get tough from hard work and get character from those little scars and bumps life brings us.
For now, hold that darling little hand in yours that is growing with that miracle child you were blessed with. Give it a kiss and a squeeze and be thankful for how amazingly lucky you are. What an amazing journey we're on with them and how neat that we get to help lead the way. :)
Till next time,
Alicia Bayer, Copyright 2001, All rights reserved
Feel free to pass this on. Don't steal
it-- that would be rude. ;)