It turns out we completely missed Saint David’s Day yesterday, but I found this blog post full of Welsh crafts from Filth Wizardry so delightful that I had to pass it on anyway. I’m in love with the easy paper leeks! (Long-time readers also know that I’ll celebrate any excuse to have fun that involves…
Author: Alicia
On Hiatus
Sorry for my absence lately. I’m in Florence Nightingale mode for a bit. My sweetie got a new hip last Friday at the Mayo. He’s had arthritis since he was two years old, and as a child he was told that he’d be in a wheelchair by the time he was 18. He lasted a…
A Little Snow and Cold Fun When You Don’t Have Snow and Cold!
If you’re lucky enough not to live in one of the freezing cold places right now, you can still take part in lots of fun with snow and ice! Here’s a list of ten ways to make the day magical, warmer style for warmer climates. And here’s a little round-up of online snowy fun. Help…
10 Ways to Make Today Magical
Happy Monday! I hope you’re staying warm in your little corner of the world. We have some crazy temperatures here lately (even for Minnesota!). I’m hoping it gets above 0 today. How’s that for a crazy wish? 🙂 Cold, snow or not, here’s a few ways to make some memories with your kids this week…….
Colorful Shaving Cream Fun!
I’m very sorry for my long absence! Five year-old Alex had a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy last week and the recovery has been really hard on him. We’ve also been out of town to celebrate my birthday and to meet with doctors at the Mayo for my husband to get a long-overdue new hip. Also, a…
Happy 2013!
I have written an awful lot of New Year posts on this blog and for the Magical Childhood newsletters over the years. I started A Magical Childhood when my Annalee was just a baby in my arms as I typed, and next month she is turning 13! I am so glad that life kept throwing…
A Little Snowy Fun
Got snow? Here’s a delightful way to use it! Wouldn’t it be fun to sneak outside tonight and do this to the family car? Or even all the cars in the parking lot?! 🙂 Happy Sunday!
Easy, Sturdy (Free) Building Blocks!
Here’s a little project that we’ve been doing for years. These fun blocks are so easy! I was planning on making a set of building blocks for Fiona for Christmas, but she kept trying to manhandle the presents under the tree so I decided to make her a set of “presents” of her own. It…
Today’s Assignments
I was working on a post today in honor of those lost last Friday. It was taking me a long time and our house is chaotic at the moment (five kids, who’d guess there would be chaos?). I realized how backwards that was, so I am putting off that post and I am going to…
10 Ways to Make Today Magical
Happy Monday! I hope you’re warm and cozy in your little corner of the world. We got snowed in for the first time in a very long time this past weekend and it was a little bit delightful. My boys spent most of the day outside building a snow fort and throwing snowballs, and even…