Happy Monday! I hope you’re staying warm in your little corner of the world. They’ve closed the schools because of the cold here in Minnesota. It is staggeringly cold! With wind chills, they say it could get as low as -79. That’s crazy business!
It’s a good day to stay inside and make some happy memories with the kids! Or… if it’s lovely and warm where you are, it’s a nice day to go outside and make some happy memories with them — and enjoy it for me. 🙂
Here’s a few ways to make a little magic this week…
- Start a paper chain of happy memories and accomplishments from 2014.
- If you have snow outside, bring some inside in some big tubs and let the kids play with it at the kitchen table.
- If you’re lucky enough not to live in one of the freezing cold places right now, you can still have lots of fun with snow and ice! Here’s a list of ten ways to make the day magical, warmer style for warmer climates.
- Sneak outside and do a bit of this.
- If you can brave the cold, make some snowball art. Aren’t these wonderful? They’re done by textile artist Ceca Georgieva, who has lots of other wonderful stuff on her site too.
- Make a list of 100 things you want to do together by the end of winter. Here’s one of our old winter bucket lists.
- Yarn bomb something! You can even yarn bomb inside objects like chairs and bedposts. Here’s oodles of wonderful inspiration on Pinterest and here’s stuff I’ve compiled about yarn bombing in the past.
Lovely yarnbombed tree via Pinterest. Original author unknown. - Get glow in the dark paint and help the kids write secret messages and pictures on their ceilings. The paint will be invisible during the day. Paint onto poster board and tape it up if you don’t want to paint directly onto the ceiling.
- Make maple syrup snow candy! Here’s a bunch of recipes and instructions. You can use crushed ice if you don’t have snow.
Photo by Bradshaw & Sons http://emmabradshaw.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/how-to-make-snow-lollies.html Photo by Galadriel Thompson on Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/galadrielthompson/5345056792/ - Find a few minutes to do something really nice for yourself. Buy yourself a couple of truffles at the check-out and go enjoy them in a cozy spot. Take a relaxing bath with a magazine. Call a friend who makes you feel fabulous. You get the idea! Extra credit if you come back and tell me what you did!
And with that, chickadees, I have to go run the tap again so the pipes don’t freeze again! And perhaps grab a child to give noisy kisses to, too.
Have a magical day!
SO much fun! Now I wish we had snow! All we have is rain over here 🙁
Did you check out the snow and ice fun for warm climates? There should be something fun there. I’d love some rain right now but we’re making the most of the cold with some science you can only do when it’s crazy cold. 🙂
I’m going to try that maple candy! My daughter has been talking about that even sense we read Little a House in the Big Woods. And for extra credit went to a yoga class tonight.