Have you heard of this sweet month-long online activity?
Hello! We’d like you to meet Felicity.
She is six and three quarters and has a big imagination. She loves magic tricks and making things with her hands.
Felicity comes from a city high up in the clouds called Thin Air.
This December, we’re taking her around the world to meet other children and their families. We hope you enjoy playing and making things with her.
Every day, there will be a different little activity or craft to make the day magical from the sounds of it.
Thursday was “fancy dress for dinner” day, when families were encouraged to dress fancy or silly or however they liked to make it special.
Sounds like my cup of tea!
It’s free to participate, and you can check the site daily to find the latest activity or follow on Facebook or Twitter.
Meet Felicity here.
I hope tomorrow’s activity is as fun!
Happy Friday!
Hello Alicia,
Thank you for your lovely post about Felicity from Thin Air. We hope that with your help, and families like yourselves, we can make something both precious and astonishing, to startle our children and the world.
We’ve worked hard to make it special – please let us know if things break, or are confusing and we’ll try to make it even better.
As the month goes on, we’d greatly appreciate you inviting other families to join in the fun and learning. We hope to inspire magical, creative thinking in children and also show them how their way of imagining the world is very, very special.
One of our goals is to build the world’s largest online exhibition of childrens arts and craft, in a safe and sharing environment, where every child is featured and loved. Your pictures are your own – we’re asking just to borrow them for a couple of months to share with the world.
Thank YOU for spreading the word. We hope you’ll help us create happiness from thin air this December.
All the best,
– Ian and the rest of Felicity’s family
Thank you for posting this! We made some of those baubles today, one with small paper plates and two with regular plates. VERY cool! Planning to make several more to hang from the kitchen ceiling and trees outside. Also want to try cutting out small circles to make some to hang on the Christmas tree. Can’t wait to see what else they come up with for us to try! 🙂
Hi Lonni,
Thank YOU for joining our adventure. Please send as many photos as you like, the more people who participate, the more wonderful it’ll be. It’s the opposite of a spammy chain letter, because we’ll only share it publicly in the safe environment of sendfelicity.com, but link out and credit your family’s contribution via Facebook and Twitter. If those ways of contributing to the worldwide gallery don’t work for you, just email me at ianchia@gmail.com.
Felicity and her big family of collaborators are VERY excited to see people getting the vision of what’s possible and how we can share the magic of families creative and fun times this December.
All the best,
– Ian
Founder: Being Prudence (and Felicity’s “dad”)
Oh – and Tuesday is the next big adventure as part of our global gallery. We’ll start off with one normal apple, and end up with children exploring hidden treasures from their homes and gardens. We hope to have a gallery of children’s literature, hand drawn and written, little stories, comics, drawings, or photos of their own discoveries.
Our aim is to inspire learning and creativity in the real world. Use the computer or iPhone as a springboard for the imagination, rather than pretend a piece of metal and glass has all the answers. If your children use the website to start with some beautifully illustrated and designed experience, and then run off and play in the real world with inspired imagination and learning for the next 2 hours, then we’ll have met Being Prudence’s goals.
All the best,
– Ian