We’re getting ready to leave for a family trip to the Upper Peninsula in Michigan. I’ll post a list of 10 ways to make the day magical tomorrow and then we’ll be off to the U.P. until around Friday. Daryl and I went years ago with a friend and accidentally found this tiny beach named "Little Girl’s Point." It was filled with agates and we’ve talked to the kids about it over the years. They fell in love with the idea of beach combing for agates and we decided to go visit again, plus see some of the other wonderful sites in the area.
For now, here’s a few crafts that caught my eye on the web lately….
Here’s a fun and easy idea to occupy little ones. My kids always loved our geo board but I never thought of making our own or of using hair ties.
My kids would love making a body flip book like this one! I think I’ll print out the supplies so they can make some during the car ride. One of the big kids can make one for Alex, too. I think the humor will appeal to him. 🙂
Make your own Moon Sand! This simple recipe calls for colored play sand, corn starch and water. I wonder if you could use your own sandbox sand with corn starch and colored water to make some cool moldable sand along the same lines? In any case, it looks like a blast!
Have you seen or done any fun crafts lately? Please share!
Happy Sunday!