Victoria had her soccer tournament tonight and I had to post a quick update.
The Pink Panthers won their first game and lost the second, by only one point, to the undefeated top rated team in the league. They took silver.
Victoria said several of her teammates congratulated her for some of her plays. Including the bully.
Later, she was sitting on the bench and the bully said something to her. She ignored him, as usual. He asked her, "What’s the matter, don’t you ever talk?" and she said in her best, loftiest voice, "I DO talk, I just choose not to talk to YOU."
She said the rest of the team burst out laughing. She couldn’t help smiling when she retold the story.
The coach told her she was his MVP and his favorite player.
She’s decided she wants to join the soccer camp that starts next week for her age bracket — even with the bully.
She told the coach that she wanted to play next year after all and he said he was planning on quitting, but if she comes back he’ll come back.
Talk about victories.
Tomorrow, Anna has her soccer tournament. She has loved it all along and her team is in first. She makes me smile when she’s on the field…
But it’s late and that’s another story. 🙂
Made me think
This story made me remember how I felt as a homeschooler on the swimteam growing up. It was great till middle school, then it was alright. I think your daughter has a lot of courage and I admire that so much.